Seminarieserie med europeiska bondealliansen EARA

Under 7 vardagkvällar under hösten, med start den 11 september kl 19, håller EARA “rundabordssamtal” om regenerativt lantbruk som sänds digitalt. Samtalen spänner över en stor bredd av ämnen och presenteras bland annat så här. “In this series, we will delve into the complexities, potentials, and challenges of Regenerative Agriculture. We'll explore critical questions such as how to maintain the integrity of this movement amidst its growing popularity in corporate strategies, and how to foster more effective collaboration among those who are driving the change.”

Lantbrukarna som var med och grundade alliansen representerade en stor mångfald av gårdar. Från 0,3 till 4500 hektar med allt från storskaligt åkerbruk till grönsaksodling och betesdrift och annan djurhållning, från Ungern till Portugal och från Italien till Skandinavien. Foto: Anders Assis

Upplägget enligt EARA:

Join us for a transformative journey into Regenerative Agriculture, a movement heralding a new agricultural revolution rooted in groundbreaking advances in microbiology, plant physiology, and soil science. This approach, championed by innovative farmers and forward-thinking machinery producers, represents a profound leap not only in farming techniques but also in agricultural culture—emphasizing unity in diversity and a deep symbiosis with nature.

In this 7-session series, we will delve into the complexities, potentials, and challenges of Regenerative Agriculture. We'll explore critical questions such as how to maintain the integrity of this movement amidst its growing popularity in corporate strategies, and how to foster more effective collaboration among those who are driving the change.

Each 90-minute session will feature discussions with world-renowned experts and pioneering EARA farmers, offering you the opportunity to learn, engage, and contribute to this evolving field. Stay tuned to our LinkedIn page for speaker announcements 2 weeks before the event.

Be part of this growing community—learn, discuss, and help shape the future of agriculture!

Första tillfället, där bland annat Joel Salatin gästar

We’re thrilled to invite you to the 1st session of our roundtable series, dedicated to exploring the 4th Agricultural Revolution—Regenerative Agriculture. This movement is more than a change in farming practices; it’s a revolution rooted in microbiology and soil science breakthroughs and the innovative spirit of pioneering farmers who tirelessly push the boundaries of the possible every day.

Regenerative Agriculture is a leap forward in both practice and culture, uniting farmers across all contexts in their vision to achieve the highest productivity through the most sophisticated symbiosis with nature. It’s about regenerating not just our soils, but our hearts and minds too.

Join us on September 11th, 7-8:30 pm CET, for the first session titled "Regenerative Agriculture: The 4th Agricultural Revolution." We’ll dive into topics like photosynthesis, soil biology, and farmer-led innovations, contrasting them with AI, GMOs, and power concentrations.

We’re excited to have world-renowned experts: Joel Salatin, Andre Leu, André Antunes and EARA's pioneering farmers Meghan Sapp, Sheila Darmos and Ben Taylor-Davies leading the discussion and sharing invaluable insights.

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